Sunday, April 29, 2012

Wrinkles at thirty!!! Oh no!

So I looked in the mirror today and noticed wrinkles around my eyes!!! This is a disaster! I must make a trip to the pharmacy tomorrow for wrinkle cream shopping! I don't even know what to buy, and I'm freaking out!!!

Am I going to look like this soon?

Maybe I should get Botox! Is it even safe? Oooooooo this is not good!

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Location:Songbird Ct,,United States

Sunday Morning - a Mother's Day message

Sunday's are my favorite days of the week.... I get to sleep in, and cuddle in the morning with my wonderful husband, Bela comes in the room and jumps in the middle of us and before we're even awake she asks if she can watch cartoons, or play barbies.

On Saturday when we were getting dressed to go to the dentist, she looked at me with adoration in her eyes and said, "Mom you look so pretty" that small statement filled me with happiness, not because she said I'm beautiful, but because the high pedestal that I sit in her world.... The older our kids get the lower our pedestal gets as parents, until teenage years come and they hate our guts because hormones are pumping into their bodies messing with their emotions, and because I'm not looking forward to that moment, I basket in the happiness of being a beautiful superhero in my daughters eyes.

The little moments her and I have as mother and daughter fill me with such happiness, and these moments are the true reason some women go to such extent to become mothers. For the moment when your child looks at you and you know that for this small part of their lives,that we mothers are their world. We are the Wonder woman they strive to be in their dreams.

So in that moment, when Isabela said I was pretty, I hugged her real tight and thanked her for thinking that I was beautiful and then she said something that brought tears to my eyes -she said "mommy, when I grow up I want to be just like you." That small statement made a huge impact on me, because it brought home the full realization that this tiny person is looking up at me, and for every moment in my life I must strive to be the person she will be proud to look up to. This is why I am trying so hard to study and to graduate, because I want my daughter to see that when we work hard for that something, that anything is possible in life. When I'm teaching her the piano and she turns to me and says - I can't do it - I always say to her - "why not, have you even tried? Don't ever say you can't do something until you have at least tried it." I want her to know that nothing in life is unreachable, that she should never give up on her dreams, and that until she has tried she should never give up.

So with that said, here I am sitting studying for this impossibly hard exam because I'm reaching for my dreams, and December here I come!!!

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Location:Songbird Ct,,United States

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Me and the boredom

Sitting here studying but really wanting to be in a warm paradise with my honey sipping umbrella drinks and doing anything but memorizing the Pathogenesis of skin infections!!!

This huge final next week is making me sick with worry about my grades, but as always I tend to worry for no reason, so maybe I should just dive head first into the books and come out for air when things are over, that would be so much easier to do if this class wasn't so freaking boring!

On top of it all my day at work was so crazy and hectic that concentrating is not on my nĂºmero Uno thing to do....

Oh well, now back to the regular scheduled programming.

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Location:Songbird Ct,,United States